Department of Panchayati Raj,
Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Annoucements & Circulars
Act & Rules
Training Material
Central Progarmmes/Schemes
State Progarmmes/Schemes
Other Progarmmes/Schemes
Directory of ERs of PRIs
Other Important Documents
Contact Details
Notification to constitute State Executive Committee (SEC) under Revamped RGSA
Panchayat Development Index
State Steering committee Under Panchayat Development Index
Minutes of meetings of State Panchayat Performance Assessment Committee (SPPAC) held on 07-10-2024 under the Chairmanship of Secretary(Panchayati Raj) to the Government of Himachal Pradesh.
Office order regarding Co-ordination Committee to strategize the course of action for timely completion and functioning of Eco Tourism based Livelihood Generation Projects.
State Level Apex Committee for monitoring the implementation progress and resolving relevant issues for the Eco Tourism based Livelihood Generation Projects.
Proceeding of the meeting of SEC held under the chairmanship of Secretary (PR) to the Govt. of Himachal Pradesh on 13-03-2024 to consider the Annual Action Plan 2024-25 under Revamped RGSA.
State Executive Committee to approve the Action Plan of Revamped RGSA for FY 2024-25.
Purchase Committe constitued under RGSA dated 26/07/2023
Minutes of one day Orientation Programme-cum-meeting to sensitize/review the progress of revamped GPDP and LSDGs based GPDP held under the chairmanship of Joint Secretary, MoPR, GoI on 3rd December,2022 at Conference Hall, Armsdale Building, H.P. Secretariat.
Minutes of meeting to discuss SDGs(Localization of Sustainable Goals) based on nine themes.
Regarding constitution of additional committe on Gram Panchayat and Panchayat Samiti
Localisation of sustainable development goals through Panchayati Raj Institutions.
Regarding displaying of 9 themes of sustainable goals on the public places.
Block Panchayat Performance Assessment Committee(BPPAC)
District Panchayat Performance Assessment Committee(DPPAC)
State Panchayat Performance Assessment Committee(SPPAC)
Regarding nodal officers for Panchayat Awards.
Nodal Officer for Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA).
Regarding committed liabilities to be meet out from unspent balance of RGSA fund for District Shimla, Sirmour, Kangra and Una
Regarding committed liabilities to be meet out from unspent balance of RGSA fund
State steering Committee (SSC) under the Revamped RGSA
State executing Committee under Revamped RGSA
Regarding committed liabilities to be met out of unspent balance of RGSA.
Regarding committed liabilities to be met out of unspent balance of RGSA for Chamba and Mandi District.
Regarding transfer of Rs. 38.90 lacs for purchase of 106 laptops and printers for Gram Panchayats under RGSA Scheme.
Details of District Wise No. of Panchayat Representatives
Purchase committee under RGSA
Appointment of Nodal Officer at Block Level to monitor mechanism for SDGs localization at Gram Panchayat Level
Appointment of District Panchayat Officer as Nodal officer at District Level to monitor mechanism for SDGs localization at Gram Panchayat.
Appointment of Nodal Officer at State Level to monitor mechanism for SDGs localization at Gram Panchayat Level
Steering Committee in pursuance of the report of the Expert Group Constituted by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Regarding CA Audit of Panchayat Sashaktikarn Purskar (PSP)
First Instalments under RGSA
Fund allocation of RGSA Capacity Building and Training 2021-2022 to be utilized within two months
Fund allocation of RGSA under Common Service Centres@ Rs 5 lacs each
Fund allocation of RGSA for DPRC Una and Economic Development & Income Enhancement Project Bangana
Fund allocation of RGSA under Exposure visit within State.
Fund allocation under RGSA for Handholding Support w.r.t. Formulation of GPDP and PESA Gram Sabha Orientation
Funds allocation for RGSA for one Panchayat Learning Center @ Rs 5 Lac.
Fund allocation of Rs 5001075 under RGSA Capacity Building and Training 2021-2022 to meet out Capacity Building demand raised by DPO offices
Fund allocation of RGSA for Repair and Upgradation of Gram Panchayat Bhawan @ Rs. 4 lacs each for 3 units.
2nd letter under RGSA Capacity Building and Training
RGSA Fund allocation Annual Plan 2022-23
Funds allocation of RGSA for participating in exposure visit within state under RGSA Annual Plan 2022-23
Fund allocation of RGSA for 8 Panchayat Learning Centre
Fund allocation of RGSA Training for GPDP,BPDP,DPDP
Fund Allocation of specialised Training under
Fund allocation of RGSA Capacity Building and Training under RGSA Annual Plan 2022-23 for Refresher Training
Panchayat Awards SPAAC committee
Construction of District Panchayat Resource Center(DPRC) at District Una
Construction of District Panchayat Resource Center(DPRC) at District Kinnaur
Training Management Portal
Corringendum of District Level Committee for monitoring the implementation progress and resolving relevant issues for "Eco Tourism Based Livelihood Generation Project" (dated:22 November, 2021)
Notification of District Level Committee for monitoring the implementation progress and resolving relevant issues for "Eco Tourism Based Livelihood Generation Project" (dated:11 November, 2021)
Notification of Apex Committee for monitoring the implementation progress and resolving relevant issues for "Eco Tourism Based Livelihood Generation Project" (dated:11 November, 2021)
Notification regarding State Level Executive Committee under RGSA and State Steering Committee under the RGSA
Deployment of Computer Operators under RGSA Scheme in 81 Development Blocks.
Fixation of virtual limit under RGSA for 2021-22
15th Finance Commission
Operational guidelines for the implementation of the Fifteenth Finance Commission recommendations on Rural Local Bodies grant during the period 2021-22 to 2025-26
Chapter 7 of XV FC Final Report on Empowering Local Governments
Utilization of grant under XV Finance Commission.
14th Finance Commission
Guideline for utilisation of grant received under 14th FC (
Guideline for utilisation of grant received under 14th FC (
Guideline for establishment of central pool at District level under 14th FC
Revised Guideline for utilisation of grant received under 14th Finance Commission
Additional Guideline for utilisation of Grant received under 14 Finance Commision.
Regarding utilisation of FFC Grant towards O&M and capital expenditure
Guideline for utilisation of grant received under 14th Finance Commission
Notification regarding distribution of performance grant under 14th Finance Commission
Regarding distribution and utilisation under 14th Finance Commission
Regarding distribution and utilisation under 14th Finance Commission
GPDP "Hamari Panchayat Hamaari Yojna"
14th Finance Commission Grant-in-aid distributed/to be distributed
First Instalment of Basic Grant under FFC for the Financial Year, 2018-19
FFC Grant-in-aid distributed/to be distributed
Important Documents
Act & Rules
Number of the PRIs
Name of PRIs
Directory of ERs of PRIs
ACR status of the Officers/Officials
Seniority list of the Employees
PSG Notification of Services
Fourteenth Finance Commission Grant
Levy of taxes by Panchayats
Visit To:
Panchayati Raj New Website
State Government portal
State election commission
State information commission
Ministry of Panchayati Raj
Ministry of RuRal Development
H.P Rural Development Department
PRTI Mashobra